One of the most common questions I get is around my bullishness toward Node.js. People assume because I wrote two books about it, I should be an expert in all things Node (nope!) or at least a major cheerleader for it (hah!).

My problem has never been with Node or even Javascript. I use both every day and will be the first to reach for them when a problem needs solved. Just not for web development. I’ll stick to PHP or .NET for that.

Again: Node is great, but it isn’t the platform for the web.

Don’t take my word for it. During a recent Mapping the Journey podcast, Ryan Dahl (Node’s creator) echoed these sentiments:

So, kind of the newer versions of Javascript has made this easier. That said, I think Node is not the best system to build a massive server web. I would use Go for that. And honestly, that’s the reason why I left Node. It was the realization that: oh, actually, this is not the best server-side system ever.


Bottom line is: pick your tech stack based on your objectives, not because something was cool today.